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There are also photo groups available to view. Use the list to view photos contained in other photo groups.
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3.5x5 (x2) - $9.00
5x7 (x2) - $15.00
8x10 (x1) - $15.00
1-5x7 - $8.50
1-4x6 - $7.50
Photo Coaster - $23.00
8x10 Statuette w/ walnut base (Individual only) - $38.00
Bag Tag - $8.00
Key Chain - $9.00
3" Photo Buttons (x2) - $12.00
Screen Saver - $12.00
Stickers - $15.00
Postcards - $15.00
8x10 Puzzle - $20.00
2-Color Individual Blanket (x1) - $120.00
4-Color IND or Group blanket (x1) - $150.00
4-Color IND or Group Blanket (x3) - $320.00
Framed Canvas Print - $150.00
Photo Trivet Small - $20.00
Dog Tags (Individual Only) - $10.00
Note Pad Holder - $23.00
Photo Trivet Large - $30.00
Wallets (x4) - $9.00
Mini Key Chains (x2) & Minis (x8) - $14.00
Large Photo Ball - $50.00
Multiple Photo Package
This package has multiple items. You can either use the current photo for all items or select different photos for each item.
Do you want to use the same photo for each item in the package or select different photos?
CCV Peoria DaddyDaughter Dance
2/19/2013 - 2/22/2013
Camera A was to the left when you walk in and Camera B was to the right.
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Friday \ Camera A - 630pm-End
Friday \ Camera A - Beginning-630pm
Friday \ Camera B - 630pm-End
Friday \ Camera B - Beginning-630pm
Thursday \ Camera A - 630pm-End
Thursday \ Camera A - Beginning-630pm
Thursday \ Camera B - 630pm-End
Thursday \ Camera B - Beginning-630pm
Tuesday \ Camera A - 630pm-End
Tuesday \ Camera A - Beginning-630pm
Tuesday \ Camera B - 630pm-End
Tuesday \ Camera B - Beginning-630pm
Wednesday \ Camera A - 630pm-End
Wednesday \ Camera A - Beginning-630pm
Wednesday \ Camera B - 630pm-End
Wednesday \ Camera B - Beginning-630pm
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